What Are the Common Symptoms of Dry Eye?

That burning, gritty feeling in your eyes might not be from screen time alone. If you constantly reach for eye drops or rub your eyes, you could have dry eye syndrome.

Persistent Dryness and Irritation

With dry eye, your eyes might feel constantly parched, almost like there’s sand in them that will not go away. You might blink more, hoping for relief, but even after using drops, the scratchy feeling returns. What begins as a minor annoyance can turn into all-day discomfort.

Redness and Inflammation

Are your eyes red, even though you are not tired or upset? Dry eyes can cause inflammation that turns your eyes red. This is not just a cosmetic issue—your corneas are irritated due to a lack of moisture. You might squint more because keeping your eyes wide open is uncomfortable.

Light Sensitivity

Are bright lights bothering you more than usual? Even regular lighting can feel harsh when your eyes are too dry. You might find yourself wincing at office lights or struggling with oncoming headlights at night. It is more than just the sunlight that feels too bright; even indoor lighting can become unbearable.

Blurry Vision

Does your vision blur in and out, especially after reading or looking at screens? This could be a sign of dry eyes. Normally, your tears keep the surface of your eyes smooth, like a clean window. When they are dry, that surface becomes uneven, like a smudged window. Blinking may briefly clear your vision, but the blurriness quickly returns.

Excessive Tearing

This might sound strange, but dry eyes could cause them to water excessively. It is like when something gets stuck in your eye, and your body tries to wash it out. With dry eyes, your body produces extra tears to compensate. However, these tears are different from the tears your eyes need for proper lubrication. So, your eyes can water a lot in one moment and feel completely dry in the next.

Difficulty Wearing Contact Lenses

If you wear contacts, dry eyes can make them unbearable. Contacts need moisture to float comfortably on your eyes. They feel like dry plastic discs sticking to your eyes without enough lubrication. Many people with dry eyes stop wearing their contacts as often and turn to glasses instead.

Burning Sensation

Do your eyes constantly feel like they are burning or stinging? This sensation might worsen in conditions like air-conditioned rooms or windy weather. The burning could be mild or as uncomfortable as having soap in your eyes.

Eye Fatigue

Do your eyes feel unusually tired by midday, sometimes even before lunch? This is more than regular tiredness from using your eyes. It is a sign of dry eyes working overtime to stay comfortable throughout the day.

Finding Relief for Dry Eye

There are simple ways to relieve dry eye symptoms:

  • Use artificial tears that your doctor recommends.

  • Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

  • Take regular breaks from screens.

  • Protect your eyes with wraparound sunglasses when outside.

  • If you wear contacts, consider brands made for dry eyes.

Do Not Ignore the Symptoms

If you have any symptoms, start with these small changes, but do not hesitate to see an eye doctor if the symptoms get worse. Getting help can make a big difference in your comfort and eye health.

For more information on dry eye syndrome, visit the Eye Care Vision Center of Wauwatosa at our Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, office. Call (414) 296-9400 to schedule an appointment today.




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